A picture can be worth a thousand words. These are crafts from my years as a Girl Guide leader. They were used for camp swaps and hat crafts. Most of them are easy to figure out just by looking at the photos.
I originally had these posted on my old website but never did transfer them over when I re-organized my site. I frequently get questions about how to make them, probably from old links left several years ago.
If you need further directions you can use the Contact page to send me a message.
I used pop can tabs, yarn, small rings, felt, plastic canvas, goggly eyes, twigs, beads, can lids, pom pons, wire, material scraps, pins, and a lot of patience to make them. Many are crafts the girls made and the leaders prepared kits with all the necessary materials. Camp was such a fun event. Many of these were gives as awards for doing various chores … washing dishes, cleaning toilets, cleaning grease pits, activities and more.
Herby the wormy covered wagon turtle felt trillium bead trillium bead trefoil tenderfoot camper marshmallows on a stick camp stove beads swords toilet brush toilet roll washing sponge spider web twig spider web flexy wormy crochet critter camp shoes cooking pot fuzzy mouse moon plastic canvas mouse felt owl Oscar the Grouch piggy oven mitts felt mouse fuzzy mouse walnut shell mouse lion toilet seat Canada 125 pin Knotty Keep new friends garbage bag sunglasses God’s eye grease pit cover Guiding Gracie old jeans friendship pins breakfast Canada flag pole beaded Canada flag campfire dragonfly dragonfly bedroll felt backpack broom cleaning kit Nutty camp ut dish bag beaver beaver bad hair day bad hair day