At The Fly Thru Feeder

posted in: Birds, Lens Friends | 7

The latest feeder is really popular with the birds.  I’m calling it the fly thru feeder as the birds can get right inside to enjoy the seed.  Perhaps it should be fly-thru like the drive-thru restaurants. The downy woodpecker lands … Continued

Vegetables: Monk Peas

posted in: Seeds, Vegetables | 1

Monk peas have a fascinating story with them and are classified as heirloom seeds.   Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, discovered the basic principles of heredity and did extensive studies using peas most of the time because the offspring could … Continued

Little Bird Big Voice

posted in: Birds | 0

Little Bird Big Voice May 20, 2017 Starting as soon as the sun begins to rise the little wren starts calling.  It has many places it likes to perch and sing. When it isn’t windy the wren likes to sit on … Continued

2sDay: Doves

posted in: 2sDay, Birds, Lens Friends | 0

2sDay Doves May 16, 2017 It’s 2sDay and time for photos of 2 of the same thing.  This week it is doves. Doves, or mourning doves, are frequent visitors to the garden all year round.  They are a light brown/grey … Continued

Rain, Sun, Rain

posted in: Books | 0

May started with a downpour of rain, so much that we had almost 54 mm of rain in a few hours.  The weather has been chilly but at least there was a sunny day before the next round of downpours … Continued