It’s Daycation Time

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It’s Daycation Time

I love it when the weather gets warmer and we start going out for daycations.  Our first one for this year was a trip to Niagara Falls.  To be rested up when we get there we take a bus trip as it’s about a 3.5 hour drive from our house.  Maple Leaf Tours (formerly McCoy Tours) had a half price special so we had to take advantage of that.

It was a glorious day, clear blue skies, sunshine and temperatures close to 15 Celsius.  When we had booked the trip the forecast was for rain but as it got closer to the day the weather got nicer and nicer.

Niagara Falls April 24, 2017

It is amazing to hear the roar of the water as it plunges over the falls.  The mist was rising and through the sunshine the rainbow was seen.

Niagara Falls April 24, 2017

As well as walking along and viewing the falls, and of course taking lots and lots of photos, we went into Bird Kingdom to see all the rare and exotic birds that we wouldn’t see in the garden.  What a fabulous place to visit and I would highly recommend it if you are visiting Niagara Falls.Bird Kingdon at Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

You start by walking up a few levels and as well as seeing birds there were turtles, snakes, and other reptiles.

Bird Kingdon at Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Once at the top you entered a huge area that the birds could fly free in.  It was wonderful to hear them all chirping and calling to each other.  Some were busy nesting and others just enjoyed flying around.

Bird Kingdon at Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

The scarlet ibis came right up close.  Other birds there were the red capped cardinal, toucanets, cockatoos, finches from Australia and Africa, waxbills and so many more.

The first part of Bird Kingdom told the history of Niagara Falls and there were lots of old photos of the dare devils that went over the falls in barrels or walked the high wire.  I don’t think that is something I would ever do but it was fun to pretend.

having fun at Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

The next time we visit we plan to go to the Butterfly Conservatory.


Check out some of our other great daycations.

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