Another great series of books I enjoy is the China Bayles mysteries by Susan Wittig Albert. The main character is China Bayles, a retired criminal attorney. She left the rat race of the bit city to open the Thyme and Season herb shop in Pecan Springs, Texas.

Some of the other prominent characters are Mike McQuaid, Brian (Mike’s son), China’s mom Letha, Ruby Wilcox, Khat K’o Kung (a siamese cat name after the feline in The Cat Who series), Bubba Harris the retired police chief, and Sheila Dawson aka Smart Cookie the police chief.
I always check out my favourite authors when we are at the library and I noticed that this one, Bleeding Hearts, wasn’t checked off in my little black book. But once I got it home and started reading it, the story came back to me bit by bit. It must of been a long time ago that I had read it so I read on and finished the book.

Has that ever happened to you? You pick up a book and start to read it only to discover you have already read it. Please don’t tell me it is just me and must be an age thing!
Back to the book. When the local high school principal gets a mysterious phone call accusing a very popular teacher on staff of sexual allegations China is asked to do some research on one of the victims and discovers a lot of questionable circumstances around her death. The more she delves into the past the more she discovers that the allegations are true and now another young female student may be the next victim.
The teacher involved gets murdered and China has sourced out the killer.

Thyme of Death, the first book, introduces China Bayles and I am lucky to have a signed copy of this book. There are currently 27 books in this series.

I also have a signed copy of an uncorrected proof book of Nightshade, the 16th book in the series. Thanks Susan for both of these.

This is a great series to read as you get to know the characters and see how they interact with each other. The titles are mostly herb related and the books are filled with interesting factual info about the herb in the title.
If you love gardening, you will love this series and I’m sure many of you would love to own a little store just like Thyme and Season.
The Darling Dahlias and The Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter are another two series that the author writes. Keep up to date by reading the author’s website. It mentions the next book in the China Bayles series, Hemlock, is coming out in September 2021.
Time to join:

You must have big bookcases for all these series of books you do buy. You also must be a fast reader and that I am not. Have a good weekend
Crafty Gardener
Those big book shelves are at the library Myrt. I always borrow the books I read, couldn’t afford to buy them all. A lot of the series I have read previously, just bringing the posts over to the new format on my website. I have been reading lots though, usually the latest book in the various series that I love.
I love the China Bayles series too. It’s about time for a new one to be published but I haven’t heard anything about it yet. Have you?
Crafty Gardener
Hi Laura, I did read on Susan’s website that the next book Hemlock, is coming in the Fall. I also follow her on Instagram. Looking forward to the next book. Thanks for stopping by today.