Keep the Head Warm

posted in: Crochet | 0

With cold weather approaching very quickly I’ve just completed a hat in greys and white with the left over yarn from my recent bags.  Keeping your head, especially your ears, warm in the extreme cold is a really good idea. … Continued

Adorable Little Feet

posted in: Crochet | 0

For the past 2 weeks we have had family visiting from British Columbia.  I’ve been here but I haven’t been here. Posts were scheduled ones but I haven’t been replying to comments or visiting my favourite sites.  That should change … Continued

Knitted Dolly

posted in: Crochet, Knitting | 0

Our 3 year old granddaughter is crazy about dolly babies.  She has all sorts of them and loves to play with each of them.  I recently made her a crochet doll cradle that will hold a small doll.  I also … Continued

Round the Rosey

posted in: Crochet | 0

I recently finished another round the rosy baby blanket.  This one is all in white for a good friend’s daughter who doesn’t know the sex of the baby, the previous one was pink and I’ve also done blue and white ones.  … Continued

Around the Rosy

posted in: Crochet | 0

I’ve been working on this baby blanket for a little while now.  It was finished a couple of weeks ago and I’ve finally taken some photos of it to share with you.   This pattern is called Around the Rosy … Continued

All Things Spidy

posted in: Crochet, Knitting | 0

Our oldest grandson loves Spiderman so over the past few months I’ve been making him some Spiderman items.  So naturally for Hallowe’en he was dressed in a Spiderman costume. First I made a crochet afghan for his birthday in June. … Continued

Kitty Bag

posted in: Crochet | 0

With the chilly evenings settling in I find myself by a cozy fire with my knitting or crochet in my hand.  I’ve also been doing more reading.  A series that I like is by Maggie Sefton and they are knitting … Continued

Jewelry for your Crochet

posted in: Crochet | 0

Jewelry for your crochet work. I had seen crochet stitch markers made using the shepherd hook (used for ear rings) but I didn’t like the way they wiggled easily out of the crochet project. Using lobster clasps means the marker … Continued

Lid Gripper

posted in: Crochet | 0

Do you have a hard time opening jars?  This little gripper just might help you. I started with a set of placemats from the dollar store.  And low and behold these actually did cost a dollar.  So many items in … Continued