I’m Hooked!

posted in: Crochet | 6

Hooked on mosaic crochet! I saw some gorgeous mosaic crochet on Linda’s Crafty Corner and my interest was peaked. I just had to check it out. Now that Ontario is in lockdown for 28 days it is the perfect time … Continued

Time to Stay Warm

posted in: Crochet | 3

As the end of October approaches, the days are getting chillier and it is time to stay warm with a new afghan. This one was started at the beginning of the stay home time in mid March for covid19. I … Continued

Crochet Socks

posted in: Crochet | 3

Recently I found a pattern for crochet tube socks. As my arthritis in my hands is getting worse I find I can only knit, especially on smaller needles, for a short period of time. Mind you I do persevere as … Continued

Shawls: Lost Souls

posted in: Crochet | 8

The Lost Souls Shawl was made awhile ago but as it was a gift for someone. Now it has been delivered I can finally share it with you. If you look carefully you can see skulls throughout this shawl. This … Continued

Shawls: It’s a Wrap

posted in: Crochet | 12

Crochet projects are perfect for winter, especially when they get bigger and drape over your legs and keep you warm as you work. I have two shawls on the hooks right now, one using the Virus shawl pattern and the … Continued