A few years ago I made a wreath from a wire form and some artificial branches. The wire wreath forms can be purchased from florist stores and craft stores and they come in different sizes. The artificial greenery was a Freecycle find. On a flat surface lay the wreath form and begin to attach the artificial branches with wire.

Once you have gone all around the wreath form you can bend out the branches to make it into a nice full circle shape.

While attaching the coloured ornaments our cat, Shadow, decided to sit beside it and watch.

I’ve hung this wreath on the wooden garden gate at the end of the path by the garage in previous years and this year I’ve hung it by the front windows.

I think I like it better on the gate but will give it a few days before making the final decision. I’m always moving things around.
Just to change it up a bit for this year I’ve added a bow. I’m not really a bow person (especially red) but more of a plain Jane, but this one doesn’t really stand out a lot and looks more natural. You could also make this wreath out of fresh greenery. With the artificial greenery I can pack it away at the end of the season and it is quickly ready for use the following year.

Have you seen some of my other ideas for Christmas decorating?