Green Heron

posted in: Lens Friends | 4

A favourite water bird to spot and photograph is the green heron. It is hard to choose which photos to share as we take so many of them. They can be found in lakes, ponds, and marsh areas.

photographing the green heron at
green heron reflection

I took numerous photos from different angles but they all turned out rather similar.  I love the way the colouring shows up on this one.

photographing the green heron at
watching the water for a snack

The green heron is sitting on a plank of wood. Be sure to watch the short video further down in this post to see him walking carefully along, always watching the water for some food. They eat mostly small fish (minnows, sunfish), and the odd crustacean.

photographing the green heron at
look at those orange/yellowish legs

The eyes stand out as he/she stared intently at the water and surroundings.

photographing the green heron at
close up of green heron

The green heron is a short, stocky heron and does not have the long neck seen on the great blue heron.

photographing the green heron at
green heron

Here is a juvenile green heron that we spotted down by the bay.

Do you have the green heron checked off your bird list?

More heron photos:


4 Responses

  1. sallie rainville

    We were thinking alike for Wild Bird Wednesday and Saturday Critters this week — but your photo is so much better than mine!!! Thank you for sharing! one of my favorite birds — we see it here in Oregon and in Florida during the winter and I am always excited when we do.

  2. Myrtle

    Love the photos & video of the green Heron Linda. I have not seen one of these.

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