Twirlers or whirlygigs are so much fun to have in the garden. Even the gentle breeze will make them twirl. I make them from plastic canvas, wire, beads and a fishing swivel.
A conch shell twirler/wind spinner/whirlygig is a good one to start with.

- wire from a coathanger that is about 16 inches long
- fishing swivel
- fishing line
- clothes peg
- interlocking craft beads
- plastic canvas in your choice of colours, use 2 or 3 colours and alternate the strips
- Cut your plastic canvas five holes wide and 70 holes long. You will need 27 strips.
- Twist a loop in the end of the wire and thread three beads on.
- Put one strip of pc onto the wire. Alternate beads and plastic canvas until all 27 strips are on the wire.
- Take the free end of your first PC strip, and thread it on the wire.
Add a bead and move on to the next PC strip. - Continue until all strips are used.
- End with 3 beads.
- Bend a hook in the wire, add the swivel, and close.
- Fasten a length of fishing line fastened to a clothes peg.
- It should look something like a conch shell

This mini conch shell is perfect for a keychain or make several to create a mobile. This was a little craft we made when I was a Girl Guide leader. Lots of other Guiding crafts are here.

Materials and Instructions:
- You need 14 count plastic canvas cut into 16 strips – 1 hole x 12 holes.
- This is the perfect project to use up the odd bits of plastic canvas that you just hate to throw away.
- Twist one end of half a pipe cleaner to form bump.
- Thread the end holes on a pipe cleaner.
- When all 16 are threaded, take the bottom strip and loop the very first hole (opposite end that is on pipe cleaner) onto the pipe cleaner.
- Continue with the remaining strips.
- The shell will form as you get all 16 threaded onto the pipe cleaner.
- Twist the other end when finished.
This is the perfect size to hang from a keyring or you could make several and hang from a base to make a mobile.

Other twirler ideas:
Make a twirler/wind spinner
- conch shell twirler
- crochet wind spinners, large
- crochet wind spinners, small
- driftwood spinners
- pinwheel twirler
- plastic canvas twirler
- pvc twirler
- spiral twirlers

The Crafty Side dabbles in: knit & crochet, sewing & plastic canvas, Crafty’s projects, craf-tea ideas, kids crafts, rock crafts, Christmas Ideas
Arlete Edna Medeiros sacramento
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