The creeping Jenny or lysimachia nummularia, has been creeping and creeping outside the pot! I planted lots of small shoots into kettles, teapots, teacups, cups, small pots and more about mid May. Many years ago I must of planted a bit in the back wild garden and forgot all about it. It has been spreading ever since. So this spring I dug up lots of the little plants and used them in containers. Adding this plant to containers is a great way to contain it.

Towards the end of June many little yellow flowers appeared on the long trailing stems. I’m certain I didn’t appreciate this plant in the garden but now it has been added to hanging baskets, tipsy pots and buckets and all sorts of little containers the long, trailing stems are lovely.

One of my favourites is this sunflower kettle (given to me by a friend once it was no longer good for boiling water). It started out with a few stems and then it started to grow and grow and grow. It was moved from a shelf on the ladder planter up to the top rung so that it could trail over the sides.

It is also known as moneywort, twopenny grass or herb twopence, perhaps because the leaves are in twos. The shiny foliage will fill in spaces in hanging baskets and it is also used as a ground cover in shady areas. It can be considered invasive in the garden.

The flowers are yellow and small and you don’t need to deadhead them.

They don’t last very long, so enjoy them as soon as they appear.

It has been a good choice to add into the strawberry pot. I’ll be over wintering these containers in the garage and hope that they survive the winter and grow well next year. And if they don’t … well I know just where to go in the garden to dig some new plants in the spring.

More from the gardener side: garden areas, bulbs, corms & tubers, plant profiles, seeds & seedpods, veggies & herbs,
Alphabetical posts A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
My series on Alphabetical gardening and my personal alphabet.