Coreopsis, also known as tickseed, is a gorgeous, long blooming perennial.

There are different varieties that have either single or double petaled blooms that are predominately yellow. They prefer a sunny location, too much shade will make the bloom stems reach out towards any sun.

This is a very healthy coreopsis plant in spring.

The plant will be covered in buds from about June onwards.

Here is a close up shot of the buds developing in the spring.

Continual deadheading will produce blooms that last from late June to September. Coreopsis are great for cutting and adding to floral arrangements

One year I had some blooms that gave a whole new meaning to the term ‘double double’. For non-Canadian visitors a double double is usually a coffee choice (coffee with 2 creams and 2 sugars) from Tim Horton’s (coffee & donut store). But my coreopsis have double blooms on one stem and I even had two of them … a gardening double double. I’m not a coffee drinker so much prefer my version of the double double.
You can buy starter plants at garden centers or you can grow your own from seed.

After the blooming the seedpods develop and if left on the plant to dry will drop the seeds and you will have many little new plants the following year. You can snip the seedpods off and take out the tiny seeds inside, dry them thoroughly and save them for seed swaps or another year. Above is a small volunteer plant that popped up by some hens & chicks. I’ll be moving this one to another spot in the garden where it has more room to grow.

Coreopsis tolerates most soil conditions and established plants don’t depend on you to water them. Now that is my kind of plant! The plant can be about 45 cm. tall and about 60 across. Plants can easily be divided and moved to other areas of the garden.

If you are a seed collector you can print a seed packet or seed label to swap your seeds in.

More from the gardener side: garden areas, bulbs, corms & tubers, plant profiles, seeds & seedpods, veggies & herbs,
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I love the coreopsis, and I think it’s the state of Florida flower, but I’ve never been able to keep it for more than one year. We live in Tampa.