Upcycle the Plastic Coat Hangers

posted in: Coat Hanger Crafts, Sewing | 0

Upcycle those plastic hangers in your closet.

It’s the time of year to start thinking Christmas gifts.  Even if you don’t want to think about it, you know that the time is coming, so why not be prepared for it.  Gifts don’t have to cost a lot of money and something homemade is greatly appreciated.

A quick and easy craft is covering those plastic hangers that everyone has in their closet.  You need plastic hangers, 1 metre of material (which is enough for 5 coat hangers), quilt batting, thread and trim.  If you have any scraps, this is a great project for using them up.

upcycle plastic coat hangers - craftygardener.ca

 Trace the coathanger on paper to get a pattern.  Add about .5 mm seam allowance all around the outside of the pattern.

upcycle plastic coat hangers - craftygardener.ca

Cut 2 pieces of fabric and 1 piece of quilt batting.

upcycle plastic coat hangers - craftygardener.ca

Put rights sides of fabric together, quilt batting on top, and stitch from the top down each side.  Leave an opening in the top so that the hook of the coathanger can fit through.  Turn cover right side out and press with iron.  Press fold along bottom.  Add coathanger, pushing the hook carefully through the opening at the top.  Pin on enough trim to fit the bottom and stitch closed.  Add some extras,like fabric flowers or cute buttons to fancy it up a bit more.

There are all sorts of variations you can do to the hanger, and you are only limited by your own imagination.

1. Before stitching the bottom you could add a little sachet potpourri or scented herbs.

2. Instead of a stitched bottom you could close it with velcro and then it becomes a secret hiding place to store items.  I’ll have to make some of these and share them later.

3. I  added some loops onto the bottom of one of the covered coat hangers. This would be perfect for hanging a pretty blouse or top and hooking the accessories onto the loops.

upcycle plastic coat hangers - craftygardener.ca

4.  Add some loops to the body of the covered hanger for scarf storage.  The ones I added are perfect for chiffon and light weight scarves but you would need larger loops on the reverse side for thicker scarves.  I used plastic rings from dollar stores or craft stores.

upcycle plastic coat hangers - craftygardener.ca

Did you see my other idea for scarf storage?

Decide who you want to give the hangers to, pick out a colour scheme, choose some trim and set aside some time to sew.  Before long you will have a lovely home made gift for someone on your list.  Give by themselves or pair up with an article of clothing for the perfect gift.

upcycle plastic coat hangers - craftygardener.ca

I’m sharing with Sew Darn Crafty  and  Creative Friday.


Other ways to up cycle coat hangers

crochet covered 1crochet covered 2cloth covered hangersstorage,  braided on wire,


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