Meet Jack O’Garden

posted in: Hallowe'en, Whimsy | 0

I don’t have any reason to decorate for Hallowe’en any more as where we live we don’t get any trick or treaters and we spend the evening with our granddaughter, who has a  Hallowe’en birthday.  So this year I decided to add Jack O’Garden to the Fall decorating.  It’s fa’boo’lous.

I started with an 88 cent pumpkin and cleaned out the inside as I love roasted pumpkin seeds.  Then I walked around the garden and found items for hair, mouth, eyes and ears.

Jack O'Garden at

I filled the inside with dirt so that when I poke in the various items they will be a bit more secure.  Plus when it is all done and the features get removed the pumpkin plus dirt will just get tossed into the composter.

Jack O'Garden at

hens & chicks are eyes … rudbekia seedpods for the mouth … a trailing plant from a planter and seem sedum blooms for the hair … small cedar pieces for ears … a small beetroot for the nose

With other garden items it would look totally different.

Jack O'Garden at

Jack O’Garden sits happily on the log adding a festive Fall decor to the front garden.

Jack O'Garden at

Jack O’Garden will only be around for a short while before the frost makes him all squashy, but I’m sure he will be making another appearance next year and maybe he’ll bring a friend with him.

Hope your Hallowe’en is ‘spook’tacular, fa’boo’lous and ‘boo’tiful.

see more garden whimsy

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