Recipe: Scalloped Veggies

posted in: Gluten Free, Recipes | 0

A delicious recipe with naturally gluten free vegetables topped a gluten free white sauce (seasoned) and cheddar cheese slices.


  • 2 medium sized potatoes, chopped and boiled
  • 2 medium sized carrots, chopped and boiled
  • broccoli crown, steamed or boiled
  • cheese slices
  • white sauce with seasonings
gluten free scalloped veggies at

Dill, parsley and Italian seasoning were added to the white sauce. You can choose to add what you like or leave it as a plain white sauce.

gluten free white sauce at
The white sauce is melted butter and gluten free flour made into a roux, then milk is gradually added and stirred well.

Cook the veggies, drain and add to a casserole dish. I also added some cooked brussel sprouts that I had left over from another meal.

gluten free scalloped veggies at craftygar

Pour the white sauce over the top. Lay cheese slices over the top. I prefer to use Cracker Barrel extra old cheese slices, you can use your choice.

gluten free scalloped veggies at craftygar

Bake about 20 – 25 minutes in a 350F oven.

gluten free scalloped veggies at craftygar

Delicious and cheesy.

gluten free scalloped veggies at craftygar

It was served with some bbq boneless skinless chicken breasts. A delicious gluten free meal.

gluten free scalloped veggies at

Make the recipe your own by using your favourite veggies, or add mushrooms or onions.

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My cooking is always gluten free. Find a yummy recipe to cook.

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