Spoon Chimes

posted in: Garden Projects, Whimsy | 14

I just love tinkling sound of chimes in the garden. The latest addition is some spoon chimes. Many years ago I used to collect souvenir spoons from all the different places we visited when we were living and touring England. … Continued

The Yarn Crawl

posted in: Knitting | 7

From April 1, 2019 to May 25, 2019 the South Eastern Yarn Crawl took place. Even though we were away most of April I joined in for the fun and experience. There were 14 local yarn stores participating from Cobourg … Continued

Rescuing the Nuthatch

posted in: Birds | 21

Don’t you just hate it when you hear the thud of a bird against the window. You rush outside to see if the bird has flown away or been stunned by the crash. Last week we rescued a little nuthatch. … Continued