Rock hunting goes on in many places in Canada. There is a fantastic group called Sooke to Sidney Rock Hunt on Vancouver Island in British Columbia which shares rocks that are being hidden and those that have been found.
We are heading out to Victoria during April and I decided to paint some rocks with trilliums on them to represent Ontario and hide them when we get there.

Our grandkids out west have both found rocks that have been lovingly painted and they were thrilled.

I started with some flat, roundish rocks (both big and small) that came from some local beaches and my garden. One side was painted red and the other side black. Some of the pictures show the first colour of white for the background, however this was changed to black when I realized the little labels wouldn’t show up that well on white.

With a pencil I roughly drew the outline of a trillium on the red side. This got carefully painted in with 3 white petals, 3 green leaf petals and some little yellow dots for the centre.

On the black side I attached a little label stating that these rocks were left by a visitor from Ontario and if found to visit my website and leave me a message telling me it was found and where. I also mentioned the Sooke to Sidney rock group which was the inspiration for this project.

The finished rocks were sprayed and will be hidden from April 12 to 29, 2019 at different locations between Sooke and Sidney. Some of our favourite places are The Esquimalt Lagoon, Royal Bay Beach and the glass beach in Sidney. I will try and post on the Sooke to Sidney Facebook page when and where they are hidden.

I hide lots of my rocks. They are for you to keep or rehide. You can always leave a comment telling me where you found the rocks. Thanks in advance. I love knowing if my rocks are found and where they end up.
Be sure to have a look at my rock projects and see all the other types of rocks I’ve painted.

Jennifer Jilks
What a fun project! I hope you hear from someone!
I’ve never gone rock hunting, but I love the painted rocks. It’ll be neat to see who finds your trillium rocks.
What a wonderful thing to do Linda. I hope you come across one or two while hiding yours.
Crafty Gardener
From Arnie in Victoria: the trillium rock I found in the roots of a washed up tree at Clover Point. It will look nice in the garden! (Sent via the contact form)
Crafty Gardener
Natalie left a comment on the Sooke ti Sidnet facebook group that she found one on Dallas Road Thanks for letting me know.
Crafty Gardener
Another comment on the facebook page said one was found at Taylor Beach.
Crafty Gardener
Dara found one and rehid it at Saratoga Beach in Campbell River. Thanks for letting me know
We found a rock at Clover Point!
Crafty Gardener
Thanks so much for letting me know
Such a lovely idea! I never thought of taking the kids rock hunting and after that we could spend time painting them. I’ve been looking for ways to get the kids to do more stuff outdoors now that the sun is out so they don’t spend all their time on their devices.