On a lovely morning walk down by the bay at the end of August we sighted a variety of water birds including the great blue heron, the swan family, cormorants, gulls, Canada Geese and a young heron. Is it a young green heron or a young black crowned night heron? My first guess was a young green heron.

The water was extremely low and in one of the ponds where we might see ducks and/or turtles we saw this little bird going from one side to the other. At first I thought it was a duck as we only saw it from behind but it perched onto a stump and we could see it was a different bird than we had spotted before, a young heron.

For awhile it was fascinated with looking up into the trees.

Just look how those eyes stand out. And what about all those soft feathers.

Those greenish legs have feet that are like hands for grabbing the branch.

The head feathers look so soft and fluffy.

If we hadn’t seen him move to this position I don’t think we would of seen him as he blends in so well with the surroundings. I asked Terry Sprague from Nature Stuff to confirm the identification for me.

Have a look at some more of my lens friends photos.
Other heron photos: