This series of cozy mystery book by Carlene O’Connor has been really enjoyable to read. So far there are 7 books in the series.
I’ve been reading these either through Kindle or Libby, both ebook programs and I recently requested some through our local library during the latest covid lockdown.

In the first book the O’Sullivan Six are introduced, Siobhan, who is the guardian of the family, James, Eoin, Ann, Graninne, Naomi and Ciarán. Their parents had been killed in a car accident. The brother of the drunk driver convicted of the crime arrives in the village of Kilbane, County Cork, Ireland saying he has evidence his brother was not guilty. Soon after the brother is found dead in the cafe owned by the O’Sullivans and it looks like one of them is the murderer.

A famous fashion model is going to get married in the village of Kilbane. The best man is found murdered and shortly after a second murder is committed. Siobhan O Sullivan starts sleuthing again to clear Macdara Flannery, the local garda.

In the third book, Murder in an Irish Churchyard, Siobhan is now a garda and is presented with her first case. An American has been murdered in the church yard and the story goes back into the ancestry of the person and how a lot of truths have been covered up.

I’m now reading the 4th book in the series and really enjoying sitting on the deck on a peaceful afternoon. I love reading cozy mysteries set in Great Britain, can imagine hearing the accents of the characters and visualize the towns and villages they live in.
A lot of my Favourite Book series were written as a covid lockdown project, part of the daily routine of staying home. It was important to have a regular routine during lockdowns (Ontario has had 3 so far). Mine included learning new zentangle themes, rock painting, doodling, reading, quaran’tea’n sewing and updating my website. The info for each post was taken from old posts on an old theme version of my website or from a blog I used to keep. I amalgamated the posts, updated the photos and shared with my readers. This series was actually read during the latest lockdown and I’m still working on it. I’ll share the 4th and other books as I read them.
Time to join: Booknificent Thursdays and Book Date.

Hetty Gruener
The books you mentioned sound great! I have just ordered a kindle e-reader so that I can get back to reading. My eyesight has been deteriorating and I hope a kindle will allow me to enlarge the print.
Crafty Gardener
I hope the e-reader works for you, I know you can enlarge the font size so it should help you. I just use the e-reader on my ipad right now, but daughter was showing me a dedicated one she has and it is much better, no glare, font size changes, and a bit smaller for easier portability. I found this series on the amazon e-book site. Thanks for stopping by.
These look really fun! I love a good mystery.
Crafty Gardener
Cozy mysteries are my favourite books to read. I love when there is a series as you can get to know the characters and setting. Thanks for stopping by today.
I am going to have to think about an e-reader, these laptops are really hard on my eyes just to do my post so I might wait until I can go up to Darren’s as Debbie would be the right person to help me choose the right one.
I would love anyone of the series you have read Linda. Have a good d
Crafty Gardener
Right now I use the e-readers on my ipad, but think I will look into getting one too. Bet you can’t wait to go see Darren and family.