It is that time of year to get out some seasonal whimsy. Does the time I spent doing this count as gardening? I guess that could be stretching it a bit.
I get some crazy ideas, some inspired by others, some just pop into my head at strange times of the day and night. I love word play .. the using of words in different spellings … like my 2sDay posts, ‘purse’onality, ‘soup’er Sunday and my favourite ‘purr’enials. When I saw a play on words Ho, Ho, Ho I knew I had to have it for my garden.

So in the summer of 2007 I hunted around garage sales and flea markets to buy some old hoes to use in my Hoe, Hoe, Hoe Christmas sign. The hoes are a little rusty … maybe from all the scritch scratching in the gardens over the summer months, or maybe from sitting around outside over the festive season.

The rebar was used in the summer to hold my tipsy pots and this year I left it in the ground so I could tie the hoes firmly around it. Now my whimsical Christmas message will be greeting you if you stop by for a visit. I used an old garden sign that had faded from being out in the sun for a couple of years so painted it over white, added a couple of bunches of holly leaves and the words Hoe, Hoe, Hoe. Not quite Santa’s version of Ho Ho Ho but a whimsical version for a gardener.

Have you seen some of my other ideas for Christmas decorating?
Christmas tree ideas: