Daffodils also known as narcissus or a jonquil are delightful spring blooms.
They come in a variety of sizes and colours and brighten the garden during May.
Bulbs should be planted in the Fall before the frost sets in.
Choose a sunny location with well drained soil.
After blooming, leave the foliage and just snip away the spent flower, which allows nutrients to return to the bulb for the following year.
An old nursery rhyme comes to mind:
Has come to town
With a yellow petticoat
And a pretty green gown.
D for daffodils, N for narcissus. Enjoy the daffodils blooms in the spring.
More from the gardener side: garden areas, bulbs, corms & tubers, plant profiles, seeds & seedpods, veggies & herbs,
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My series on Alphabetical gardening and my personal alphabet.
It’s been quite a while since I’ve been back to the blogs. I hope to start back writing when we get back to the cabin hopefully in late June or early July if there is still a 14-day quarantine that we’ll have to do in the condo. A friend took a picture of my floating garden and the daffodils were just finishing up. The weeds, however were going great guns. I’ll have a lot of work again removing them this year. Maybe I should cover the soil with plastic since I won’t be trying to garden again this year. Have you ever done that to kill weed seeds? – Margy
Crafty Gardener
Hi Margy, I’ve was wondering about you and Wayne the other day, haven’t seen any blog posts from you. I think the quarantine is still in effect, even for Canadian citizens. I’ve tried covering areas with plastic, not pots, but it should work just the same. It sure would be worth a try, nothing ventured nothing gained. Hope you make it back to the float cabin soon.
Crafty Gardener
Just found you on Facebook and sent request to be friends.
Just approved your Facebook friend request. I’ve been pretty quiet there as well. We know another quarantine is probably in store for us, we are just hopeful it might be shorter with our vaccines. Either way, we need to go across and get home after so long away. I’m going to try the plastic. It will be on the beds in my floating garden, not the deck pots. I’ve reduced those already to only a few ornamental and flowering plants. I got a Facebook message yesterday that my pansies have reseeded themselves. Now all I need to do is get home to them to water now that the rains have diminished. – Margy