12 Birds of Christmas

posted in: Birds, Christmas | 7

The 12 Days of Christmas song is always a favourite that is sung around Christmas time but the 12 days of Christmas actually starts on December 25 and runs through till January 5.   These photos are from my files … Continued

Silo Feeder Modifications

posted in: Birds | 7

We received two lovely silo feeders for Christmas last year, but after using them for a good portion of the year decided they needed a bit of modification. The saucer part at the bottom wasn’t really that big. No sooner … Continued

G for Grosbeaks

posted in: Birds | 27

The rose breasted grosbeaks are visitors to the garden from May to about October.  Both the male and female come to the feeders, snack off berries on the honeysuckle and bring their young to the feeders. They will visit all … Continued

O for Orioles

posted in: Birds, Lens Friends | 27

We love it when the orioles return in the spring.   Their vibrant orange makes them noticeable  high up in the pine trees.  The Northern orioles have two very closely related species … the Baltimore oriole and the Bullock’s oriole. … Continued

The Belted Kingfisher

posted in: Birds | 18

We have been lucky to spot the belted kingfisher in a tree across the road from the house for a couple of days – both the male and female. This one is the male belted kingfisher. My husband spotted them … Continued

Peanut Mail

posted in: Birds | 15

Several years ago we converted an old rural mailbox into a bird feeder.   We had put it down on an old tree stump and put a few peanuts in it thinking the chipmunk would like it, but to our … Continued

Rescuing the Nuthatch

posted in: Birds | 21

Don’t you just hate it when you hear the thud of a bird against the window. You rush outside to see if the bird has flown away or been stunned by the crash. Last week we rescued a little nuthatch. … Continued