Down by the Bay

posted in: Down by the Bay, Lens Friends | 24

While walking down by the bay we spotted a pair of lesser yellowlegs shorebirds.  These were most likely migrant birds passing through.  We had seen the greater yellowlegs while in British Columbia last year.

lesser yellowlegs by the Bay of Quinte spotted by

These were feeding in a muddy patch and some shallow water left over from the high waters in the lake where it flooded a few areas on the waterfront trail.

lesser yellowlegs by the Bay of Quinte spotted by

I was lucky to capture the great blue heron just as it took off in its hunt for more food.

the heron in flight captured by

It has a huge wingspan.

the heron in flight captured by

It has been foggy overnight and when we arrived there were lots of spider webs.

spider webs at

Webs are a challenge to photograph, get the light in the wrong direction and you can’t see the web at all.

spider webs at

The sun hadn’t burned away all the fog when I took this reflection photo by the turtle pond.

reflections down by the bay by

After a break away since springtime I’m back to sharing with  I’d Rather B Birdin’ and Saturday’s Critters .


Have a look at some more of my lens friends photos.

24 Responses

  1. Eileen

    Hello, Wonderful shots of the Yellowlegs. Nice sighting of the heron. Those spiderwebs are cool looking. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

    • Linda aka Crafty Gardener

      Thanks Eileen. This was a new sighting for us, I had seen the greater yellowlegs while visiting in British Columbia last year. We love discovering new birds to add to our list of sightings.

  2. lavender dreamer

    The yellowlegs are so pretty! I don’t know if I’ve ever seen one of those. And of course photographing the heron in flight is quite a thrill! Love those lacy spider webs too! Enjoy your weekend sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  3. Kea

    I love your shots. The lesser yellowlegs! Never heard of them or the “greater” one either. Amazing capture, and of the heron in flight too.

    Great captures on the webs too! They look so magical but oh, spiders make my skin crawl. Shudder.

    There’s *a lot* of water in that park, though, and I don’t mean the bay. Did you get the heavy rain we did the other day?

    • Linda aka Crafty Gardener

      We had spotted the greater yellowlegs while visiting British Columbia. I didn’t expect to see the lesser yellowlegs here. So we were really pleased to add them to our bird list. We were back walking down by the bay today and saw them again and this time saw 6 young ones with them. I’ll be sharing the photos soon. There sure is still a lot of water by the trails. At the beginning of summer the trails were closed due to very high water and there are sill lots of patches of water now most of the trail is open. A lot of the usual nesting spots for swans, geese and the ducks were covered in water. Gradually the levels are going down. Enjoy the weekend.

  4. Wendy @ September Violets

    Ah! Finally was able to get to your blog (my computer was having an issue allowing me here earlier). You got some great shots of the yellow legs, and the heron is gorgeous. I love their beautiful wing feathers as they take off. I’ve been away from blogging for a while too and am only just getting back to sharing and visiting. Hope you’ve had a good summer!

    • Linda aka Crafty Gardener

      Hi Wendy, glad you stopped by. Summer is a good time to take a blogging break. I’m slowly getting back into sharing all the photos we took. Enjoy the weekend.

  5. tom the backroads traveller

    …great shots in flight!

  6. Anni@I'd Rather B Birdin'

    Thanks once again for doing your narration and sharing the wonderful photos this weekend. We birders at I’d Rather B Birdin’ are always appreciative. It’s nice to see you return to blogging. Enjoyed your photos….the webs are incredible being such a goodly amount after the rains.
    Loved the heron in flight and yellowlegs….and the gazebo in the distance could be a cover to a travel magazine!!!

  7. Breathtaking

    Hello!:) Lovely nature shots. …those Lesser yellow legs are very attractive birds.. The spiders webs was an unusual find, and fun shot.

  8. Lea

    A great group of photos! The last one is my favorite – so peaceful

    • Linda aka Crafty Gardener

      One of my favourite sayings is “Nature never fails to amaze me” or “The more you look the more you see” I’m sure lots of folks just walk/bike right by where the lesser yellowlegs were and because they blend in so well it was hard to see them. Thanks to the eagle eyes of my husband who spotted them the very first time. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Ricki Jill Treleaven

    Wow, your shot of the blue heron in flight is amazing! Lovely post, My Friend! I enjoyed your pretty photos.

    Have a blessed Sunday!


  10. Myrtle

    I’m glad I made it in Linda as these are great shots. Hot & humid here today and laundry day for me, filling bird feeders & a bit of yard work. Time to relax now.

  11. Margie

    Cool web shots! I like spiderwebs…as long as they’re not in my house!

    Yesterday, I was on the GO train car with Spider-Man. Despite the hot weather, he kept his mask on. Gotta protect his identity, I guess. Hee!

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