Whiffin Spit Christmas Tree

posted in: British Columbia, Out and About | 21


Whiffin Spit in Sooke, is a favourite walk of ours while visiting Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Whiffin Spit, Sooke, British Columbia

We are spending Christmas with out family in Langford this year.  Even though it is Christmas we are still doing lots of touristy things.

Whiffin Spit, Sooke, British Columbia

Each year one of the trees along Whiffin Spit is decorated for the season.  Decorations are saved each year by wonderful volunteers and rehung the following year.  Anyone can add a decoration to the tree.

Whiffin Spit Christmas tree

This is the first year we have seen it decorated as we are usually here at differnt times of the year.

When our grandson was in pre-school a couple of years ago, the class made ornaments and had an outing to hang them on the tree.  We were able to find the ornament this year.  He was very excited to see his name on the ornament.

It is wonderful to see the decorated tree as we walk down Whiffen Spit.  Is there a decorated outside tree where you live?

I’m doing this post from my ipad, something I don’t usually do.  The format is a bit wonky and photo sizes are a bit different than usual. Apologies if it is a bit difficult to view on whatever device you are using.

Whffin Spit Christmas tree 2017

Whiffin Spit is also a fantastic place to see birds, ducks and herons.  I took lots of photos with my camera and will share some when we return home.  These photos were taken with my iphone.

I’m sharing with Mosaic Monday.

It’s the last one till 2018.  Happy holidays.

21 Responses

  1. Kim

    I LOVE that tree, what a fabulous idea! It looks wonderful where you are, though it seems odd not to see snow. (Nice change, though!)

    Have a wonderful Christmas!

    • Linda aka Crafty Gardener

      It sure is green here, and I love all the moss. There might be a bit of snow in the forecast, but probably nothing likeOntario snow. Happy holidays.

  2. Lorrie

    That tree is such a great idea and might be an inspiration for an outing to Whiffen Spit! Did you know that snow is in the forecast? I’m so excited!

    • Linda aka Crafty Gardener

      You will love a visit to Wiffin Spit Lorrie. Take an ornament with your name and date to hang on the tree. I saw about the snow, our daughter is really hoping it happens and the grandkids want to make a snowman. You can bet I’ll be taking lots of photos if it does snow. In 2011 when we were here in November it snowed on her birthday.

  3. Angie

    At a house near us, the owners left a box full of ornaments near one of their trees. They also included a Sharpie marker so that people could write something (a name, a prayer, a wish …) on the ornament. Pretty cool, eh? Thanks for sharing your pictures of the Spit. Merry Christmas to you!

  4. Maggie

    What a great place to visit and what a treat to see the tree decorated and to find your grandson’s ornament. I find blogging using just my iPhone and ipad quite challenging too but when we’re on vacation needs must I suppose, you’ve produced a grand post this week so kudos to you!
    Merry Christmas from Normandy, see you in 2018.

  5. Myrtle

    Linda, I love the tree and what a great idea. Wouldn’t it be nice to see small town to do that, it would make a great gathering place and conversation maker. Whiffin Spit looks like a great place for a walk about.

    Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. to you and your family’s first Christmas together in Vancouver

  6. Margie

    So glad that you got to see the tree decked out in holiday decor this year. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  7. Elaine

    Lovely photos . We may also have a green Christmas as our snow has mostly melted and rain will be dominant for the next few days . Have a Merry Christmas .

  8. Robin

    Hi Linda, looks like you are having a wonderful time! Lovely idea for the tree.
    Have a great Christmas!

  9. Lucy Corrander

    Haven’t come across this idea before. One day the tree will be full if they re-use all the years-before ones! Are there other trees they can move on to?

    • Linda aka Crafty Gardener

      There are lots of trees along Whiffin Spit, but it seems they have always used this tree and haven’t run out of space yet. I imagine some ornaments fall apart after a few years and don’t make it back to the tree the following year. It’s a huge tree and there was still plenty of space.

  10. Eileen

    Hello, Love the Christmas tree. The Spit looks like a great park and place to visit. Enjoy your weekend!

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