How wonderful to hear the sound of swans in flight. We took advantage of a lovely sunny and mild day on February 25, 2020 and went for a drive along the Barcovern Beach Road, Carrying Place, Ontario to watch and listen to the swans and geese. The ice was just breaking up close to shore but a few more days like this and it will be gone. Spring migration is happening.
These are all mute swans, however there were trumpeter swans a bit further up the shore as well. Mute swans have the orange/black beaks while trumpeter swans have black beaks. Tundra swans also have black beaks but we didn’t see any that day.
Not a lot of words needed, but do have your sound up for the video at the end so you can hear the wing flapping and honking of the geese.

While I was taking the video my husband was clicking away with his camera. Can you hear the clicks in the video?
Wonderful photos! My favourite is #3. 🙂
You can also hear the clicking of your camera shutter in the video. LOL. Great captures!
Crafty Gardener
I like that one too Kim. The clicking is Murray taking photos while I was taking the video. I didn’t hear it while shooting the video, just kept hoping he wouldn’t talk 🙂
Nice shots, Linda. Glad you got to enjoy the mild weather before we get another blast of winter (10-15 cm tomorrow?).
Crafty Gardener
We are glad we went out of Monday. Usually Wednesday is our day to wander around, call it Wandering Wednesday, but we looked ahead to the weather and decided Monday was the best day this week. It is now Wednesday and the snow has started. We are predicted to get from 20-25 cm by Thursday. Hope it isn’t so bad for you in the big city.
David Gascoigne
There is little more majestic than a flight of swans. I am glad that you got to enjoy it.
I love swans and don’t get to see them close up. I always enjoy the photos of swans you post this time of year.
betty - NZ
I’ve only ever seen them waddling about or swimming about so these photos of them flying is awesome for me to see! Thanks for sharing these awesome images!
Hello Linda,
I enjoyed seeing the swans and geese. The sounds are wonderful. I could hear the camera clicking in the video. Beautiful birds and photos.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog.
rusty duck
That is fabulous. When we lived nearer we used to go frequently to the Wildlife and Wetlands Trust at Slimbridge in the UK, founded by Sir Peter Scott. Your video took me right back to those times. Bliss!
Hello. Great serie. Beautiful swans.
Such wonderful pics you got and the sound track is super!
Stewart M
Nice set out shots – we get our biggest gatherings of birds in the summer, when water is at a premium, rather than in the winter.
Cheers – Stewart M – Melbourne
Shiju Sugunan
Fabulous series!
Great sounds from that video. Their calls are very similar to our Whooper Swans that visit us from Iceland each winter.
One word…extraordinary!!!
Thank you for stopping by & linking up with us birders at I’d Rather B Birdin this weekend!