The trees in the garden have taken on their own personali’trees’.

These two tall populars towards the back of the garden are having a chat with each other and keeping check of who arrives at the feeders. I just love the tree faces that I have been putting out into the garden over the last couple of days. It was nice to get outside and start some decorating in the garden. However it looks like it might all be put on hold for a couple of days while a storm system moves through our part of Ontario. It will bring rain, and maybe ice rain or ice pellets and maybe even snow.

The grass is beginning to green up from the rain of the past couple of evenings. The pussy willow to the left for the photo has it soft gray buds on it. The hose is there, not to water the garden, but to syphon off some water that accumulates in a low spot on one side of the garden. There is a run off ditch at the back and you can see the bridge that goes over it to the right of the photo. The run off from the farm fields behind us runs off in the ditch. We get lots of frogs and spring peepers in there too.
At the very back we pile all the branches that get cut off the trees and shrubs. This provides some great cover for the wildlife that visits the garden. The rabbits live there and so do the chipmunks. There is a wild grape vine that grows all over that area in summer and the birds love to feed there.

I’ve collected the tree faces over a few years. A couple of them are starting to show some wear from the elements. I do take them inside over the winter to protect them from the really cold and icy winter weather. The one in the upper right had its mouth broken. It is the face on the feeder tree, which is an old dead tree that the woodpeckers love to drill holes in. There is a knot hole or perhaps a place where a branch was at one time and it makes the perfect round opening for a mouth. I just purchased another face from the dollar store this year and will be adding it to my collection.
Do your trees have their own personali’tree’?

see more garden whimsy