Creating whimsy for the garden is a fun project. These mosaic stepping stones were ones that I made a few years ago. You need round paving stones, tiles, old keys, and gem stones. and whatever else you want to use to decorate your stone.
Crafters Goop was used to glue on the broken tiles and once the pattern was complete they were grouted and left to dry. A fixative was sprayed on afterwards.
The first one came about because I found a tile with the spiral pattern. From there I chose two colours of tiles and a lot of coloured stones that had been collected over the years.

I have a large collection of old keys that I wanted to use around the edge of one stone. In the centre of the stone I made a yellow house, because our house has yellow siding and around the edge I spaced out the keys with blue tile in between. Again it was all fixed on with Crafters Goop, grouted and sealed. I also used some old keys to make my key chime.

The keys were lower than the mosaic tile, so they had to first be glued onto a thinner piece of tile to raise them to the same level. Unfortunately I don’t have photos taken while making the stepping stones.

This photo was from a couple of years ago in my front shady garden. The stepping stones are usually in this garden right by the front entrance to the house.

Here is the same garden last year, just taken from a different angle. Last year I added mulch to the gardens so I’m longing to see how it survived the winter. The stepping stones still looks as good as they did when they were made. I do store them in the garage all winter and I’ve never actually used them as stepping stones. The flat clay squares are actually the outer pieces of a flower press that I found at a garage sale and they have a nice design on them. As I already had a big wooden flower press Mr Fix It made for me I never used it for what it was meant for, but I love it in the garden.

Some favourite stepping stones are 4 big footprints that go through the front garden. The grandkids love walking across them. I wonder if they think they are giants as they cross the garden.
Have you made stepping stones for your garden?

see more garden whimsy