The new pvc pipe twirler was added to the garden awhile ago. If you want to make one you can find the directions in this post. The old one was painted yellow and the new one was painted a light orange. I wanted them both to be visible against the green foliage in the garden.
The slightest breeze will start them moving and with each turn a new shape is visible … from rectangles, to triangles, to stars and more.

The new twirler hangs on one of the back poplar trees. Can you spot it just above the G in my added name? It hangs just above the bridge which desperately needs to be replaced this year.

I think my favourite shape is the star one.

The old plc twirler, now yellow, hangs by the lilac bushes in truly a “scent”sational spot.

twirler photos, patterns and instructions
I’d love to hear about and see any twirlers you have made.
More twirler ideas:
Make a twirler/wind spinner
- conch shell twirler
- crochet wind spinners, large
- crochet wind spinners, small
- driftwood spinners
- pinwheel twirler
- plastic canvas twirler
- pvc twirler
- spiral twirlers

see more garden whimsy