Recipe: Gluten Free Soda Bread

posted in: Gluten Free, Recipes | 4

Finding a tasty bread when you are gluten free can be a challenge. I’ve tried so many kinds, all of them small, all very expensive compared to regular bread, and frequently hard to find.

One thing I learned is to totally forget what bread tastes like and stop comparing bread to gluten free bread. It is what it is, and I have to learn to live with it.

I basically cut bread out totally from my daily food, but every now and then I get the urge for a lovely slice of bread and butter or a mouth watering piece of toast. So I set out on a search for some recipes to make my own. This can also be very expensive but satisfying when you find something you can enjoy.

making gluten free soda bread at

In March I used a recipe from The Gluten Free blogger with just a couple of changes. The recipe called for xanthum gum, which I didn’t have and couldn’t justify spending a lot of money on if it wasn’t going to get used much. I searched out substitutes for it and found that cornstarch, unflavoured gelatin (double amount of xanthum gum) and psyllium husk can be used. I settled for the gelatin (because I had it in my cupboard, and it was recommended for baking)

making gluten free soda bread at

My first attempt seemed wet, so of course I tried leaving it in the oven a bit longer but the bottom crust got really hard and it dried out too much. My second attempt used a bit less flour, a bit less liquid and less salt as I found the first one too salty. I rarely use salt so tend to notice it a lot more in cooking. Much better.


  • 400 gm plain gluten free flour
  • 1 tsp salt (I used less)
  • 1 tsp caster sugar
  • 2 tsp baking soda (bicarbonate of soda)
  • 1 tsp unflavoured gelatin (this is double the amount of xanthum gum called for in original recipe)
  • 1 large egg, lightly whisked
  • 200 ml natural yoghurt
  • 100 ml milk (I used lactose free)
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice (I used freshly squeezed)
  • gluten free flour for dusting
making gluten free soda bread at


  • preheat oven to 375 F
  • line baking sheet with parchment paper
  • mix yoghurt, lemon juice, and milk (lemon juice will curdle milk a little)
  • mix well flour, salt, gelatin, sugar, baking soda
  • pour liquid mixture into dry ingredients, add light whisked egg
  • mix with wooden spoon till a soft, sticky dough
  • sprinkle flour or work surface, turn out the dough
  • dust hands with flour, mold dough together into ball, don’t overwork it
  • form into circle shape, place on lined baking sheet
  • score X on top of dough, lightly sprinkle with extra flour if desired
  • bak in centre of oven about 30 minutes till golden brown
  • remove, cool, slice, serve
making gluten free soda bread at

This isn’t a bread I would bake all the time, but it sure is delicious on the times I’ve made it.

teacup line

My cooking is always gluten free. Find a yummy recipe to cook.

Now spring is here, not really warmed up a lot yet, but enough to get me out and walk around in the garden.

welcome t

4 Responses

  1. Linda

    Hi Linda lovely to see you posting, I’m pleased that you have found a bread that you can make and enjoy, I’m so glad that I’m able to eat normal bread it must be awful for those who can’t. I’m looking forward to hearing about what you’ve been up to. Good luck with the photos.? Xx

  2. Myrtle

    Welcome back. Linda, “If there is a will, there’s a way” and it sure fits you in anything you do. I am glad I can eat regular bread. Take care.

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