Recipe: Potato Asparagus Soup

posted in: 'Soup'er Recipes, Gluten Free | 2

Here is a delicious recipe for potato asparagus soup from Willowcreek Farm. We shop at the farm for all of our fresh veggies and eggs.

I use gluten free flour, but you can use regular flour. The other ingredients are naturally gluten free. Be sure your stock is gluten free.

potato asparagus soup at


  • 4 cups or about 600 gm peeled and chopped potatoes
  • 2 cups or about 200 gm of chopped asparagus
  • 1/2 cup chopped onions
  • 2 tsp thyme
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 1/2 cup gluten free flour
  • 1/2 half cup milk

Peel and chop the potatoes, add to the onions, thyme, salt and stock and cook till soft.

Add the 2 cups of asparagus and cook till tender.

When cooled I add this to the blender to a semi chunky consistency. If you want a smooth soup, blend some more.

Whisk together the melted butter, gluten free flour and milk. Mix well into the soup. Add more milk for the consistency you prefer.

This makes 4-6 servings depending on your serving size.

potato asparagus soup at

You can freeze asparagus so you can make this soup in the cooler months. I cut it into smaller pieces and blanche for a couple of minutes to preserve the colour and flavour.

potato asparagus soup at

It is a delicious soup served with gluten free crackers.

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My cooking is always gluten free. Find a yummy recipe to cook.

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