Home & Garden: A Poor Air Quality Week

posted in: Embroidery | 16

We have had poor air quality for most of the past week. Fires in Northern Ontario and Quebec have filled our air with smoke and a smokey smell. If it has been bad here I hate to think what those in the areas of the fires are experiencing. Thank to all the fire fighters that are tackling these huge fires.

the sun on a very smoky dat at craftygardener.ca

This was the sun in a very smokey sky. The days usually started off really bad and we didn’t spend a lot of time outside.

swallowtail butterfly on the Dames Rocket at craftygardener.ca

On one of the clear days a swallowtail butterfly was checking out each bloom on the Dame’s Rocket.

swallowtail butterfly on the Dames Rocket at craftygardener.ca

I took oodles of photos, most of which were deleted as the butterfly was flitting its wings so much they came out a bit blurry.

swallowtail butterfly on the Dames Rocket at craftygardener.ca

I finished off the gardening bee embroidery project and hung it on the wall in the craft room. The knitting needle flowers and the wooden disc embroidery projects can be seen on my desk also.

The Gardening Bee embroidery at craftygardener.ca

It seemed fitting to take a photo of the embroidery project in the garden too. When I started this project the lilacs were blooming, but alas they are all finished now. So I took the photo by the geraniums.

The Gardening Bee embroidery at craftygardener.ca

I get lots of inspiration from other stitchers at Slow Sunday Stitching and appreciate all the visits and comments from there. Visit them and gather some inspiration for yourself.

Another project I did on a bad air quality day that I didn’t go outside was repainting the watering can I use for display purposes only. After a few years outside the colours had all faded away but the outlines were still there, so it was just a matter of repainting those areas.

a display watering can at craftygardener.ca

There is the promise of blooms to come … yucca, hosta, roses, feverfew and coreopsis.

the gardens at craftygardener.ca

And on the tasty side, there is the promise of potatoes, lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers.

the gardens at craftygardener.ca

A few photos from the garden from the brief times I did get out this week.

the gardens at craftygardener.ca

A view of the sunny trellis garden on June 9, 2023. The air quality has improved today and there are clouds in the sky. Dare we wish for some rain to water the gardens and to slow down the forest fires?

the trellis garden at craftygardener.ca
teacup line

My cooking is always gluten free. Find a yummy recipe to cook.

I made some omelette muffins this week, a favourite of mine to have for lunches and snacks.

omelette muffins at craftygardener.ca

The city has been the filming location for Murdoch Mysteries, watch for the next series opener and you will capture glimpses of the city hall (which was converted to the Rochester Police Station), front street, and Glanmore Museum.

garden line

More from the gardener side: garden areas, bulbs, corms & tubers, plant profiles, seeds & seedpods, veggies & herbs,

Alphabetical posts A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

My series on Alphabetical gardening and my personal alphabet.

16 Responses

  1. Myrtle Thomas

    Hi Linda, good to be signed in here again. I do enjoy your site and will check in often. We got rain last night and more this morning was surprised by the amount and happy to have it.

    • Crafty

      Bet you were glad to get rain. We’ve had lots f clouds but no rain. But on the plus side the air quality has improved a great deal. Have a good weekend.

  2. Debbie- Dabble

    My Goodness…So many pretty things to see from blooms to your amazing crafted items…. We had one day of smoke from the fires where we hit the hazardous level in air quality and had to stay inside…It was awful!! I can not imagine living like that for a week or more….I hope that you get some rain up there to put those fires out and I pray for those affected by it and the fire fighters who are battling it…I hope you have a good weekend and your air quality improves…

    • Crafty

      I love this time of year when so many plants bloom. No rain but at least the air quality warnings have been removed for now. Enjoy the weekend.

  3. Kim

    Your finished wheel barrow overspilling with embroidery with the sweet bees buzzing everywhere is gorgeous. Love the photos of the butterflies investigating your pretty blooms. Goodness, what a strange colour the sun is as a result of those wildfires. Yes, a downpour of rain would be wonderful.

    • Crafty

      I really enjoyed doing this embroidery. Finally today (Monday) we are getting lots of rain.

  4. Angela Grasse

    I love the knitting needle flower idea! I saved my Mom’s knitting needles when she passed. I really didn’t know what I was going to do with them but they were always in her hands.

    • Crafty

      Making your mom’s knitting needles into flowers will be lovely, you can always have them on display.

  5. CathieJ

    We had that awful weather this week too. I am so glad that it has finally cleared up. Your butterfly photos are gorgeous. I love your latest embroidery. It is so colorful and cheery. I may have to try those omelette muffins. They look delicious.

    • Crafty

      Thanks for visiting Cathie, good luck with those omelette muffins if you decide to make then, I love to eat them warm or cold.

  6. Diann@LittlePenguinQuilts

    Looks like your garden is doing well, in spite of the bad air. I hope it gets better for you. Your wall display of embroidery designs in their hoops is wonderful!

    • Crafty

      Finally today (Monday) we are getting some much needed rain so the gardens are benefiting and I’m getting some extra stitching in.

  7. Karrin Hurd

    Garden is looking beautiful, as are your embroidery designs! Sorry about the poor air quality.

    • Crafty

      The worst of the air quality has passed now, and finally today (Monday) we are getting some much needed rain.

  8. Debbie- Dabble

    Me again!! Thanks so much for taking the time to visit again…Our air quality has been much better this week from the fires…I can only imagine what it is like for you there…We did get some rain last week but we do need a lot more to get out of our drought…We love watching Murdoch Mysteries…One of our favorites…
    I hope you are having a great week!!

  9. Vondean Erickson

    I do not know if you got my first e-mail so will try again.
    Some of us here are having trouble with our WFI and so far have to go along with it.
    Happy 4th to you too.
    I enjoyed the flowers and flags.
    Take care

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