Each month our library offers an adult craft kit, including instructions and most of the materials. This month it was stitching a lavender heart sachet.
I worked on this stitching project as I knew it would be completed quickly, and my stitch book has no deadline, just slow and steady stitching.

I also added some lace (not part of the original kit) with a running stitch to the outside, just because!

It didn’t take long to stitch the pieces together with blanket stitch. A small opening was left to add the lavender. Then another stitch or two to join it all together.

The scent of the lavender was evident during the last few stitches.
Ready to put in the sock drawer for a lovely scent. Sock weather is getting closer and mine will smell lovely.

Thank you Shannon from the Belleville Public Library.

Stitching progress on page 5 in my stitch book is progressing nicely. No rush, no fuss.
What did you stitch this week?

I get lots of inspiration from other stitchers at Slow Sunday Stitching and appreciate all the visits and comments from there. Visit them and gather some inspiration for yourself.
Your lavender sachet is lovely so pretty with the lace added, I love your stitch book too. I haven’t sewn anything for ages my mojo has gone right out of the window but I need to embroider a little lable to sew onto the back of my grandsons blanket, I’m hoping to start that today. xx
Crafty Gardener
I haven’t done much crochet, except for dishclothes as a filler when I’m need a bread with stitching. I did actually get the afghan bag out of the closet a day or so ago, so perhaps with cooler weather coming I’ll get working on it. I have really enjoyed the embroidery stitch book, still have a ways to go to finish it, but no rush. Have a great weekend.
I love the smell of lavender! I’m hoping we can put off wearing wooly socks for a while yet.
Crafty Gardener
I hope sock season is awhile away yet too. Have a good day.
Karrin Hurd
Beautiful stitching. I love the smell of lavender. I need to make one of those sachets. Happy stitching!
Crafty Gardener
Thanks for stopping by Karrin, enjoy the day.
Your lavendar sachet is pretty. Sadly, I am allergic to most flower scents so I can’t have any sachets. The flowers have to stay outdoors. Your embroidery is very pretty.
Crafty Gardener
What a shame about your allergies, lots of smells bother me too, especially perfumes and colognes.
What a fun things for the library to do! That looks like a fun project, too. I bet it does smell good. Love the Rainbow stitching on your current book page!
Jenny Benton
I absolutely adore the scent of lavender. Your sachet is so pretty, great job. It is Spring here in New Zealand but so really warm yet so I’m not about to give up wearing my woolly winter socks just yet.
Looks great, Linda. The Adult Activity Kits are a great initiative from your library.
I love the scent of lavender and have even started enjoying lavender teas!
Crafty Gardener
I love getting the activity kits from the library, so glad they are continuing them even after their shut downs during covid.
Margaret Creek
What a lovely idea for the library to do, I love the smell of lavender. Love your stitchbook too, especially the little ladybirds 🙂
Debbie- Dabble
What a great idea!! So pretty!! Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you had a great Labor Day!!
Vondean Erickson
I love the smell of lavender and will be making one these.
I have a soap bar that has the scent of lavender in my one dresser drawer that I keep my night clothes in. My clothes always smell so good.
I have my afghan out to work on again but with the temperatures in the 90’s have held off working on it. I am making dishcloths instead.
Have a good week.
Crafty Gardener
I did get my afghan project bag out of the closet Vondean, but then today it has gone back to being hot, expected to last a few days. Guess it will be back to working on small projects for a bit longer.