Crafts: Making Lavender Wands

posted in: Books, Crafty's Projects | 11

Lavender is such a wonderful plant to have in the garden.

Beautiful purple flowers that give off the most wonderful scent as you brush by them.

growing lavender at

The pollinators love the blooms and they are great to use in crafts (the blooms not the pollinators!).

growing lavender at

Here is how I made some lavender wands to add to drawers, hang in closets, and give as gifts.

how to make lavender wands at
  • Cut several stems of lavender
  • fasten around the middle with a long piece of thin ribbon
  • bend the stalks up towards the flower end
  • with the thin ribbon begin to weave it in and out and around the lavender
  • completely cover all of the lavender
how to make lavender wands at

I used thin white ribbon for some and thin lavender ribbon for others.

how to make lavender wands at

I found the idea in a book, Decorating with Herbs, which I purchased at a thrift store for $1. So many ideas. I love shopping at thrift stores for garden related books.

Decorating with Herbs from
growing lavender at

These is a quick and easy craft to make and the scent is amazing.

Other lavender crafts I’ve made

book reviews at

More book reviews.

11 Responses

  1. Myrtle

    I love lavender, I planted some this spring. I like how you did the lavender for closets and drawers. I don’t have enough to do much this year but I will make one.

    • Crafty Gardener

      I recently found the one I made last year and it still has a bit of scent to it. Got new ones for drawers this year. It is raining a bit here today, not really an outside day.

  2. Joy

    Linda that was a great investment with the book, good for you !
    I am such a lavender fan and mean to make scent bags all the time but when I have finished working in the garden I usually just want to drag myself in the house, shower and collapse ! LOL … I have to make time to do these things because they brings such pleasure to us especially in the winter months .. I usually jar rosemary leaves too and that scent is another one I appreciate.
    Love the ribbon idea !

    • Crafty Gardener

      One of my favourite things is to browse thrift stores and find nice gardening or craft books. Love the smell of lavender, have a diffuser and it is one of the essential oils I use the most. Enjoy the weekend.

  3. Debbie-Dabble

    These are so pretty!! I love lavender!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words!! So glad to hear that you get visitors to your blog from mine!! That makes me happy!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  4. Lavender Dreams

    I really should have some lavender in my flower beds! Did you think of me when you made these? I love the scent and will add some to my bath tonight! Happy August!

  5. Angie

    And you joined Mosaic Monday twice! We are twice blessed! Lavender is a such a special plant in so many ways! Your wands look amazing – if only we could smell them through the computer!

    • Crafty Gardener

      I used to join in ages ago when others organized Mosaic Monday, but somehow lost touch with it. So glad to have found it again via another blog. Wasn’t sure about joining more than once, but thought I would thus week. I love to create moasic images for my website. The lavender wands are wonderful.

  6. Julie

    These are lovely. When she was able to my mother in law would make these every year and I always kept one by my bed. So pretty and with a lovely relaxing smell.

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