Do you use stitch markers? They are like jewelry for your knitting.
I only started using them a few years ago when I came across a really cute set on Ebay or Etsy (can’t remember which). Up until that time I had either used a safety pin or a piece of yarn tied in a loop to make my place. They are used to mark a place on your knitting row where something different is about to happen … maybe an increase, maybe a decrease, maybe the start of a different stitch.

There are all sorts of stitch markers out there for you to purchase. But being the crafty person I am, I wanted to make some of my own. All you need are some small split rings, (which can be obtained at dollar stores and craft stores) and some beads and/or charms and some head pins or wire.
For the above stitch markers I used 26 gauge wire as I didn’t have any head pins. The rest of the stuff I had in my crafting stash of odds ‘n ends.
I took a piece of wire (length depends on how long you want the markers to be), slip on the end bead so it is in the center of the wire. Fold the wire around the bead and twist tight. Then I added the little silver beads, a bigger middle bead, a little silver bead and a small bead. Then twist the wire (both strands) around the split ring and snip off close to the ring. Be sure any ends are fastened in as you don’t want them catching on the yarn.

I bought some inexpensive charms from the dollar store and made some different ones. With a few knitting projects going on at once you can never have too many stitch markers.
A set of six would be a quick and easy gift for the knitter on your gift list.
Have a look at the stitch markers I made for crochet work.