Here, There, but not Everywhere

posted in: Garden areas, Garden Projects, Whimsy | 0

Every garden deserves some garden whimsy and yesterday we added another piece to the back garden.   I’ve always wanted some sort of sign post in the garden and last year when we had to remove an almost dead tree from the back of the garden the sign post started to take place.  The trunk of the tree was left in the ground and a small garden was shaped out around it.

This is what it looked like last November when the birdhouse was put on top of the post.


A few posts ago I shared a brief look at the new project.  These were the signs that had been painted over the winter.  On a nice sunny, windless day the signs were sprayed with a fixative.


We have had sparrows nesting in this house but during the work they vanished to a nearby tree.


The places on the signpost are both local and far away.  They represent places where our family live or places we love to visit.  We got them pointing in the approximate directions.


There is still room to add more signs and I’ll be adding plants to this garden as the weather warms up.


I’m sharing with Signs, Signs.

see more garden whimsy



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