Earth Day should be every day, so why not reuse, recycle and re-invent new ways to pot up your plants this year. It’s time to think outside the pot.
Years ago I acquired an old metal washing machine tub. It is full of natural drainage and can easily be moved to anywhere in the garden. I’ve planted many things in this tub from veggies to plants. This big pot of nasturtiums is one of my favourites.

I’m very craf-tea and love old kettles, teapots, and tea cups. They do take a bit more maintenance but are worth it.

These are displayed each year on the ladder planter.

And how about that old pair of boots that might have a split sole or a hole in the toe? Don’t throw them away, turn them into planters.

A variety of small containers purchased from garage sales or thrift stores make lovely little planters.

I used bushel baskets to grow potatoes in, until the bottoms rotted away.

A collection of old metal tubs, metal buckets and recycling bins sit on the plant tables and are perfect for growing veggies.

You are only limited by your own imagination. Re-invent some planters from items that will give you bigger and better containers for growing in.

Even a broken pot is planted up with hens & chicks which are spilling over the side.
What unusual containers have you used?

The Gardener Side grows: bulbs, corms & tubers, plants, seeds & seedpods, and veggies & herbs in different garden areas