Mushrooms and fungi are such fascinating growths in Nature. My interest in them started several years ago on a walk in Algonquin Park on one of the trails that had so many varieties of mushrooms. With all the rain we have been having lately, lots of mushrooms are popping up in the lawn. I’ve been getting out the reference books and seeing if I can identify them. Some photos are recently taken and some are from the photo archives.
My favourite books review this week shares books about mushrooms and fungi.
An Illustrated Guide to Mushrooms and Other Fungi of North America by Geoffrey Kibby was first published in 1993.

I love the cover with various illustrations of mushrooms. The photos I took that day, before digital cameras, just didn’t do the mushrooms any justice. Now with digital cameras many, many photos can be taken. The macro and zoom settings are so much better.

There are gorgeous illustrations inside this book along with detailed information about each mushroom or fungus. Each is labelled if poisonous or dangerous.
This piece of fungus that reminds me of a foot from a prehistoric creature.

If you look you will find all sorts of fungi growing. I only take photos of them, never remove them, and never pick them for eating.

These fungi were growing on an old cut down tree that we came across at the edge of the soccer fields while going to watch the grandkids play soccer.

This is the same piece of fungus as my first photo, just taken from a different angle.

Now I’m always on the lookout for interesting mushrooms and fungi. This mushroom was found in our daughter’s back garden. I know I’ve got more images of mushrooms somewhere in the photo archives.

Another great book I have is The Field Guide to Mushrooms, with lots of wonderful photos and info. This book was updated from a 1928 book by William Thomas and it was printed in 2003.

I have created some of my own mushroom whimsy for the garden out of old dishes, bottles and plant saucers.

The mushrooms and fungi come in all shapes, colours, patterns and textures.

Have you photographed any mushrooms or fungi lately?

Vondean Erickson
I use to see so many mushrooms living back in Iowa. Have not seen any here. It is too dry we need rain so bad. Did have a shower the other morning. Could hardly believe what I saw.
Take care.
Crafty Gardener
I don’t imagine you see many mushrooms in the part of California where you are Vondean. I hope you get some rain soon. We have been having quite the downpours every couple of days so everything is growing well here. Hoping you get some needed rain soon.
We have a dead tree that sprouts the same kind of fungi as your picture and I find them very interesting. Growing up on the, after a rain There was one orchard I would go to and pick the mushrooms, large round ones that I knew were eatable. I enjoy looking at the different shapes of mushrooms growing even on the lawns here with all the rain we are havong.
Crafty Gardener
It is amazing how quick the fungi appear on dead trees. We had an old tree removed a few years ago and the mushrooms still grow in a ring around the spot where it was.