This is a lovely flowering plant in the Ranunculaceae family. It is related to the pasque flower, which tends to be the perennial plant here. Anemone means ‘daughter of the wind’ in Greek and they are frequently called Wind Flowers. I would list them as tender perennials. The first year I grew them I mistakenly thought they were perennials and would survive the winter. However they never came back the following spring. Last year I grew them again but brought the little bulbs inside for the winter.

They produced some lovely mauve blooms and I’m hoping they do the same this year.

I purchased them from a fund raiser from my grandaughter’s preschool. Vesey’s had great instructions for planting them.

The Gardener Side grows: bulbs, corms & tubers, plants, seeds & seedpods, and veggies & herbs in different garden areas