Recipe: Deconstructed Cottage Pie

posted in: Gluten Free, Recipes | 2

One of the meals I like to keep in the freezer is mince/veggies/potatoes or my version of a de-constructed cottage pie.

The potatoes are cooked and mashed and frozen in portions in muffin tins. When fresh veggies are in season or I have an abundance of a certain veggie, I freeze them for later.

freezing portions of mashed potatoes at

I boil the ground beef or mince (about 450 gm.) in water, and add veggies on hand, usually peas, beans and carrots. It is then drained and the liquid used to make gluten free gravy. Substitute or leave out veggies of your choice if there is one that doesn’t agree with you.

gluten free gravy mixes at
Club House gluten free gravy

Mix the gravy back into the meat mixture and it makes enough for 6 portions which are frozen for when I need a fast gluten free meal.

Serve a portion of mashed potatoes and a portion of the meat/veggie mix for a delicious, quick meal.

mince, veggies and mashed potatoes at

My gluten free cottage pie recipe us here.

teacup line

My cooking is always gluten free. Find a yummy recipe to cook.

2 Responses

  1. Vondean Erickson

    Hi Linda,
    So nice to hear from you again.

    I know the knee surgery takes awhile to recuperate.

    Your cottage pie recipe looks very good.
    Take care

  2. Myrtle Thomas

    Hi Linda, you seem to be doing quite well getting around already. Your cottage pie sounds like a meal I would enjoy.
    We got enough snow that Al had to get the plow out.
    Take care, Myrt

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