Plant Profile: Clematis

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The Polish Spirit clematis grows happily in the trellis garden for many years.  It provides many lovely purple blooms.  In 2010 the trellis had to be moved for some renovations on the basement and the clematis was dug and put into a large tub.The first photo show it when it went back into the ground in May.  Luckily the plant didn’t mind being uprooted and by 2012 it was reaching the top of the trellis once again.

2010clematistrellis1a     2012clematistrellis1

Last year the blooms were gorgeous and filled both sides of the trellis.


Polish Spirit is a medium sized deciduous climber.  The blooms can be up to 9 cm across and can have 4 or 5 petals.  Mine usually has 4 petals.


It blooms on new growth starting June and then again on some new shoots up to September.  The above image shows some buds as they are about to open.


Looking right into the centre of the bloom you can see lots of little bits.


Once the bloom is finished these little bits become soft and fluffy and have the seeds in them.  I have never tried to grow them from seed as I think it would take ages, so I prefer to purchase the plant ready started so I can see progress right away.

I’m sharing with ABC Wednesday where the letter of the week is C.  C for clematis.

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