Have a look at these bluejay buddies snacking together at the suet feeder.
During the week I captured photos of two bluejays at the coconut suet feeder. If you haven’t made this all season suet yet, you really should give it a try. The birds just love it. There is a printable link to the recipe on that page or you can save it as a pdf file for use later on.

The last photo is a bit of an action shot as the bluejay quickly moved his head down into the suet and I didn’t have time to change the settings on the camera. You can also see the wind has ruffled some of the feathers on the bluejay head.
I love taking photos and you can have a look at some more of my lens friends here.
We woke up to our first sprinkle of snow on Friday morning. It isn’t much compared to what Northern Ontario, out west or down east have received lately.

But it was enough to get me to take some photos, through the windows of course.

The sun came out in the morning and most of the snow melted away quite quickly. Snow is in the forecast for the next few days, perhaps as much as 5 cm. overnight and there is just over a month go before winter officially starts! Are we in for a long winter? I’ve decided it if starts early it had better end early!!! Somehow I don’t think the weather gods will be listening to me.
Beside taking lots of photos and changing around my website I’ve been out Christmas shopping, doing some knitting and crochet (fingerless mitts and lego bricks) and some reading and making some crafty Christmas things that I’ll be sharing soon. I’m experimenting with crochet lego bricks to make a bag to hold a lego gift for my grandson.
How about you … have you had a good week? and did you see your first snow this week? Have you started your Christmas shopping?