Backyard Beauties

posted in: Birds | 20

I’m enjoying the beauty and enjoyment of being in Porta MyYarda with the feathered lens friends. Some are year round visitors and some are returning for the warmer seasons.

cedar waxwings in the garden on April 8, 2020 at

April 8, 2020 is the earliest we have spotted the cedar waxwings in the garden. They are summer and fall visitors.

April 202, white throated sparrow at

The white throated sparrows are returning birds for the summer and fall.

doves at

This dove, a year round resident, was sitting on the old table under the honeysuckle tree. It was a windy day and you can see how its feathers are getting ruffled. I use this table as part of my tea thyme display.

doves at

A pair of doves are enjoying the feeder by the honeysuckle vine.

goldfinches at

The goldfinches, who are year round residents, are getting their summer colours.

bluejay at

The bluejays feathers aren’t as white as they are in the summer. You can’t miss hearing this noisy year round visitor to the garden.

bird saying by Emily Dickinson

We have also been seeing and flocks of geese fly overhead. The heron has also been spotted as it flies to the wetland not far away. I’m keeping my eyes out for the turkey vultures that circle the farm fields, haven’t spotted them yet, but they will be around soon.

We are lucky having a big backyard that is overlooked by farm fields. You don’t have to go a long way to enjoy the beauty of nature.

more birds in the garden

20 Responses

  1. Margy

    So true about seeing nature close to home. Back when I was a teacher in the big city I would take the class on nature walks around the playground. It was quite amazing at all the things you could find in the grass and along the fence lines. Later the school got a grant to put it a nature garden with ponds and plants that were originally native to our area. Another teacher set up a mini-farm behind her classroom and had things like a goat, turkey, chickens, rabbits and other small animals indoors. She even raised a pig on cafeteria plate waste until it was huge and adopted by a farmer outside of town, and a calf that had to go before it was full grown. My first graders weren’t huge fans of the goat when it was allowed to roam during the day when all the gates were closed. They’d get butted while standing in the lunch line. But it was great for our inner-city kids who rarely got out of the community. – Margy

    • Crafty Gardener

      Lovely story Margy, I’m sure the children appreciated all the nature activities. I always taught in country schools, so nature was at hand, even looking through the windows.

    • Karen Skowron

      Hi Linda

      Was having trouble getting through but looks like I did it! Was wondering how you are doing. And glad I did because you are providing “a collection of many things…..”

      Out here in Victoria I noticed the Bald Eagle sitting in the tree that I can see from my suite and I went out onto my balcony and blew bubbles for it. I cannot say it turned its head and looked back at me but it felt good to be outdoors and blowing bubbles. I am also not sure which nest the pair have chosen in which to raise their young. As you know I grew up in Ontario and I will check out your blog now that I have re-encountered it. Happy Easter

      • Crafty Gardener

        Hi Karen, just sent you an email. Glad you got here and could leave a comment. I had just about stopped doing any new posts on my website, but with this social distancing and staying home more I’ve fitted it into my daily routine to spend more time here. Lovely to see a bald eagle from your balcony. We love seeing them when we visit Victoria, which probably won’t be this year with everything that is happening. Hope you are keeping well. Have you been creating any new projects?

        • Karen Skowron

          Oh darn……. just sent you a reply but lost it…….so…… will say Happy Easter and ……. keep well!! Karen

  2. Eileen

    Hello, wonderful birds and sightings. The Waxwing is a favorite, but I do love the sweet doves and goldfinches. You are lucky to have some great birds visiting your yard. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, stay well! Enjoy your weekend, Happy Easter! PS, thank you for the visit and comment on my blog.

    • Crafty Gardener

      Thanks for stopping by Eileen. We love the waxwings too. It is always a joy in Porta MyYarda. Enjoy the weekend.

  3. Julie

    Hi Linda, thank you for sharing these wonderful shots with us I enjoy seeing the variety of visitors that come into your garden. Also very true that we do not have to go far to seek out wildlife, there is so much all around.

    • Crafty Gardener

      Hi Julie, nice to see your visiting my website. I had almost stopped using it, but with this social distancing I’ve been sharing a bit more on it. We are so glad to have a lovely backyard to enjoy during this time. Hope you and family are coping well. I bet you are getting lots of stitching done. Have a good weekend.

  4. Phil

    I think my favourite there is the White throated Sparrow. Just a ” sparrow” but very beautiful with that head pattern.

    • Crafty Gardener

      There are so many different types of sparrows, love the markings on the white throated one. Thanks for stopping by today. Have a good weekend.

  5. Lavender Dreams

    It’s been wonderful to see the yard birds this Spring! We even had a flock of the Waxwings stop by here this week! Love your photos! Take care and stay safe! Hugs, Diane

  6. Kim

    It’s lovely to see all the birds in your back yard; Porta MyYarda is terrific place to be!

    I keep looking for the heron that hangs out in the swampy area near me, but I haven’t seen him back yet. I’ve never been able to snap a pic of him, usually just spy him in passing when I’m on the bus. But now that life has changed, I might get a chance, as I take frequent walks there.

    Happy Easter; take care and stay well.

  7. Anu

    Hello. You have so many beautiful birds there. Take care.

  8. Lucy Corrander

    Your birds seem very exotic. Even the sparrow is colourful.
    Glad you are safe in this frightening new version of the world.

  9. Anni

    PORTA MyYarda…gotta love THAT!

    Beautiful…all of them (my favorite is the blue jay). Thanks for linking up with us at I’d Rather B Birdin’

  10. Margie

    Love the blue jay shot! So nice to be able to view all these bird beauties from your own backyard.

  11. John Swartz

    Hi. Enjoy your site.
    Do you have a suet recipe for Florida or a warmer climate. Most recipes look like they would melt in the heat.
    Thank you

    • Crafty Gardener

      I have the all season recipe for bird suet. It does get very hot and humid in my part of Canada and it works well. My website is Canadian so I have no idea about Florida.

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