This week I’m starting an alphebetical garden tour – flowers, birds, wildlife, whimsy and more. This week itt’s all about A.

A perennial Anemone Virginianna, was a nice addition to the garden. It blooms in late June or early July.

This anemone is also called thimbleweed and it is a native plant of North America. It can grow up to 80 cm tall so is frequently called tall anemone or tall thimbleweed.

I grew anemones from small bulbs but they are tender perennials and you need to dig the bulbs each year. I’ve done this for several years but it is getting to be high maintenance so I’m hoping the perennial variety will take over. I’m always looking for easier ways of gardening now.

The Alliums did really well. There are drumstick allium and yellow molly allium. I never have to worry about digging them, as they grow, bloom and fade away and always come back the following year.

The front gardens by the house are mainly in the shade and I have a few clumps of Astilbe growing there. This is a perennial with tall fluffy plumes that blooms towards the end of June and the beginning of July. Astilbe is also known as False Goat’s Beard.

Ajuga is a low spreading perennial that will creep everywhere if you let it. It grows well in an area of the garden where the soil isn’t that great and spread with runners or off shoots. Ajuga is also known as Bugleweed. I’m constantly pulling it so it doesn’t choke out the surrounding plants. If you visit the garden you can take some home with you.

In the days when I participated in seed swaps I received Apple of Peru and tried growing it for a year or two. It is also known as shoofly plant. As I’m heading towards a maintenance free garden this is annual plant is not grown anymore.

I also started a personal alphabet. Have you ever started one of these? It proves to be very interesting.
A – accepting, active, adaptable, amicable
A fun challenge I set myself awhile ago was to take photos of things that resemble the letters of the alphabet. Some of these things are from the garden and some from the trips we take out and about.

I hope you will come back next week and take the garden tour to see what begins with B in the garden.

Alphabetical posts A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
My series on Alphabetical gardening
Jennifer Jilks
That’s really fun, doing the alphabet. Your garden is amazing.
Hi there, you are away are you not? My gardening is really downgraded since moving here but I do what I can and have bought some
perennials and 2 cherry tomatoes plants and both are doing well so far. Thanks for the A flower plants
Crafty Gardener
Yes Myrt, I was away at the time this post was shared, but I had it scheduled to post. A great feature of the website.
I’m loving the different ways that you incorporate the alphabet in your life!
I like this Linda! Your gardens look great!
Su-sieee! Mac
This is not good. I want to try growing each of the flowers you described, but where oh where could they go. Would they even like California climate? 🙂
Crafty Gardener
Thanks for the visit, yes garden zones determine what can and can’t be grown. Have a great day.
Roger Green
beautiful ARRAY!
Crafty Gardener
your comment Appreciated As Always,
Julie C
I love the garden tour Linda what a good idea,all the flowers look lovely.
Your garden must be so beautiful during Spring and Summer. All the flowers blooming with all the vibrant colors.