It’s time for T in the garden. If you have been following along you know that I’ve used one letter a week for What’s in the Garden?
Both the red and white trilliums bloom in the north facing garden in spring. The white trillium is the provincial flower of Ontario and can be found growing in many places.

The tulips are gorgeous spring blooms and it is such a joy to see them after a long, cold winter. Have you been to Ottawa for the tulip festival?

One year I made a tool wheel from an old wooden circular spool top and lots of rusty old garden tools. It rather reminds me of a clock and it shows that any time is garden time.

The trees and stumps have their own personali’trees’ with tree faces that I’ve purchased from various places. If you stop by the garden there are now 23 faces to find.

The garden whimsy includes tipsy pots, totems, tipsy buckets, twirlers, toad houses, and an old metal tool box planted with stonecrop plants. You can find these projects and many more on my garden whimsy page.

All the garden areas have names and this is the trellis garden. Growing up the vertical trellises are clematis, honeysuckle vine, roses, climbing beans and morning glories.

The photo hunt for the letter T gave me several good options, from hydro poles, to garden art to a hinge on the composter.

A fun thing is to have tea parties in the garden with my granddaughter.

I’m very craf-tea and use lots of tea things in the garden – teapot totems, teacup planters, teacup feeders, and the never ending cup of tea.

The teacup planter had little crochet teacups on it, but after a season or two outside the weather got to the little cups, so new ones will have to be made. See the tea thyme planter.

I’m continuing to add to my personal alphabet with T.
T – teacher (retired), tea drinker, traveller, thrifty,
I really don’t take a lot of evening photos, but did get one of the tower of pots that I made into a claypot lighthouse with a solar light on the top. It sits in the back area of the garden where there are lots of rocks, rather appropriate for a lighthouse.

Alphabetical posts
I loved your whats in your garden letter T garden items. I saw a few things I have not seen before.
Roger O Green
Tulips are one of the few flowers I can identify very easily.
Crafty Gardener
And what a joy they are when they appear in the spring.
betty - NZ
What a fun and colorful garden! The crocheted teacups are just adorable.
Crafty Gardener
Thanks Betty, it was a cute project to make.