O-o-o-o what did I find in the garden that starts with O for this week. I’m really enjoying this alphabetical gardening challenge each week.
The gorgeous orange orioles are frequent summer visitors to the garden. I make nectar for them but never add any colour. They also love slices of oranges and will peck at them for nourishment. Blobs of grape jelly are a favourite of theirs too. We had lots in the spring of this year but now they have left for a better climate.

I’ve made a grape vine obelisk for the garden. One year I used it just a a focal point in the garden and another year I used it in a big pot to twine the morning glory around. It is made from 4 bamboo canes and some small grapevine wreaths. I made the wreaths in different sizes so they would slide down the canes which were tied with garden twine at the top. The wreaths got smaller and smaller as they got towards the top of the obelisk.

There are other obelisks in the garden, both metal and wooden. These get moved around to various places and one of them frequently marks where a clump of daffodils grow.

The obedient/obedience plant or false dragonhead is a hardy perennial that will spread rapidly. I’ve got clumps of mauve and white and have also given many clumps away. This is a late summer or fall blooming plant that grows up to 1 meter tall.

I used to have large clumps of oriental lilies until the dreaded red lily beetle moved in and devoured them.
A favourite flower is the orange cosmos that I grow from seed.

The letter O is quite an easy one to find. I chose wreaths I’ve made (Christmas and pinecones), an O on the garden bench, and O’s in a fence.

I’m continuing to add to my personal alphabet with O.
O – original, observant, older, objective

Alphabetical posts A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
My series on Alphabetical gardening
Roger O Green
Jennifer Jilks
O seems a pretty easy letter, indeed!
Wonderful oranges!!!!