W for Woodpeckers

posted in: Birds | 0

Over time we have a variety of woodpeckers visit the garden feeders.  The most frequent visitors are the downy and hairy woodpeckers.

These two types are year round visitors to the feeders and you know they are there by the constant tap, tap, tap as they eat the peanuts.

woodpeckers in the garden at craftygardener.ca

These photos were taken over the past couple of weeks at the various feeders for peanuts and suet.

woodpeckers in the garden at craftygardener.ca

This pileated woodpecker loved the old dead tree trunk we used to use for hanging the feeders.  It would come back daily to chip away at a hole in the bottom of the tree.  I’m sure it was the cause of the tree falling down as that hole eventually went all the way through the tree.

woodpeckers in the garden at craftygardener.ca

One year we had a red headed woodpecker visiting the garden, probably just passing through.  It was a thrill to see this lens friend as he tried out a couple of the feeders.

woodpeckers in the garden at craftygardener.ca woodpeckers in the garden at craftygardener.ca

Another variety is the red bellied woodpecker that shows up from time to time in the summer months.

woodpeckers in the garden at craftygardener.ca

We are so fortunate to see the different varieties of woodpeckers in the garden.

ABC Wednesday letter of the week is W. W for woodpeckers.

 I’m also sharing with Wild Bird WednesdayNature Notes,  I’d Rather B Birdin’ and Saturday’s Critters.


Have a look at some more of my lens friends photos.



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