These Made me Smile

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It has been another busy week in July and once again there were lots of things to smile about.  Here are 5 things that I managed to get photos of this week.  The best thing of all was it was our anniversary last weekend – 46 years.

The first is the elephant ears plant that I’ve been trying to grow this year.  I’m thrilled that there are three leaves on it so far.  I just repotted it up into a bigger sized pot and plan to take it inside over the winter as it isn’t a hardy perennial in our part of Canada.

elephant ears growing at

The second is the new look to the fence garden.  The shed was finally put up in June and I love how it looks like it has always been there behind the fence garden.

the fence garden in July 2015 at

The third thing this week is a project that has been on the list for ages and ages.  Now that all the mowers, tractors, trailers and other big garden equipment are out in the shed, this hanging rack could be fixed up,  It was always there but it obviously wan’t for people as tall as me, who had to reach and stretch to reach it.  Hence the tools never got put away properly.  The rack was lowered and the tools weeded out and now it looks neat and tidy.

garden tool organization at

The fourth thing this week was a new shower head.  I’m not a shower person but I must admit that this bigger head is wonderful.

a new shower head

A neighbour gave me the fifth thing to smile about this week … a big bag of yellow beans.  I cut them all up and steamed them, some for now and some into freezer bags for later in the year.  Nothing tastes as good as veggies picked fresh from the garden.

delicious yellow beans at

That’s my Five on Friday for this week, even though it didn’t get posted till Saturday.

What would you pick as 5 memorable things for the week.

Have a look at Five on Friday at Amy’s site, Love Made My Home, and see the things that others are talking about this week.  Why don’t you join in too?

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