The rockin’ village is exactly that … a village made of rocks.
I’ve been busy making a village out of rocks to add to my garden. I discovered the books by Lin Wellford and just knew I had to have some of these to add to my garden.

Being a whimsical village nothing has to be to actual scale. The village has some local gnome residents, a mushroom collection, a rock ladybug and even it’s own streetlight.

You will begin to look at rocks in a totally different way. Ones with flat bottoms will stand up properly, ones that are rounded are perfect for little gnome cottages, and ones that are pointed have the makings of a perfect roof.
Rocks need to be washed and dried thoroughly. Lin Wellford has an amazing book that helped me get started. It has step by step instructions for many different projects.

I use acryllic paint, which comes in many colours. You need to have patience to complete the rock houses. It is so important to have each layer dry before starting on the next one. Once your rock is painted it needs sealing before going outside.

Your imagination will take over and you will be planning what you can paint on them. I bet you will even find yourself looking at houses and buildings and trying to imagine what they will look like painted on a rock. I have never painted anything before, except the walls in my house! If I can do it, you can too!

I think the gnomes and garden fairies will love these little homes.

Rockville through the years:
Lots of garden whimsy.