Q is for Quinte

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Q is for Quinte  … Bay of Quinte region in Ontario.  What a wonderful area to live in … spectacular provincial parks, wonderful tourist attractions, wineries, cheese factories, fascinating history, and many outdoor activities.   The waterfront trail is one of our favourite places to walk and there is always the chance of capturing photos of water fowl and wildlife.  This part of the trail runs down by the Bay of Quinte.


Along this trail there are many lovely gardens, mostly full of big hostas, and lots of lovely benches to sit and relax on.


A quiet bench to sit on and watch the boats go by on the Bay of Quinte.


There are gorgeous clumps of hostas.


The Bay of Quinte is in the background.

wild blooms1

You can see lots of wild flowers quietly growing in the grasses along the trail.

Quinte is quaint, quiet, and quintessial.  Come by for a visit soon.  I can’t wait to take a stroll on a warm, sunny day and enjoy the gardens and blooms of Quinte.

Out and About shares more places to visit.

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