The Pileated Woodpecker

posted in: Birds, Lens Friends | 21

What a thrill to see a pileated woodpecker in the back garden.

a pileated woodpecker at

There she was at the base of the old dead tree drilling away in search of insects. A bit of research in the birding books told us this was a female.  On the male the red on the head goes all the way down to the beak.  Also the males have a red stripe to the side of the beak.

At other times she visited the feeders.  Here she is trying out a bird cake recipe that I make.

a pileated woodpecker at the bird cake at

Homemade suet is quick and easy to make and once the birds get a taste of it they won’t want anything else.

a pileated woodpecker at

Here is a photo of the big woodpecker on one of the back trees, probably checking out the bark for bugs.

It enjoyed the old peanut feeder too.

a pileated woodpecker at

This is one of the largest woodpeckers, almost the size of a crow and is native to North America.  It can be seen in forested areas, and often heard before being seen.  It has a loud drumming sound as it pecks away at trees.

The woodpecker pecked away at the dead tree over several days and eventually the hole was so big that the tree fell down.

Nature never fails to amaze me.

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21 Responses

  1. rusty duck

    Well I’m sorry about the tree but, oh wow, she is amazing! What a treat and your photos are fabulous.

  2. linda

    Hey Linda…
    I have never been fortunate enough to have one in my gardens…lucky you!
    Enjoying this kooky weather???
    Linda :o)

  3. Kea

    How fantastic to get pics of her! I have only seen them close enough for pics a few times in my life, so you had an awesome experience. 🙂

  4. Daniel LaFrance

    The shape of their heads reminds me of the Pterodactyl. I’m impressed by these large woodpeckers too… incredibly loud calls. Great series of photos. I’ve only seen them a few times.

  5. ABC Wednesday

    You Lucky devil 😉
    to get the chance to fotograph this…. something I can only dream about

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  6. Robin

    Oh, what a thrill that must have been!! They are such magnificent, interesting birds.

  7. Country Gal

    WOW ! you lucky duck ! I have only seen one here once and that was years ago . Lovely photos . Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend and stay cozy its going to be a yucky one weather wise .

  8. Eileen Wise

    Hello, awesome post on the Pileated woodpecker. You are lucky to see them at your feeders. They are one of my favorite woodies.
    Great collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  9. Adam Jones

    They are really superb close ups of the Woodpecker. Such striking colours on the head.

  10. Victoria

    Wow, she’s gorgeous! I’ve never seen one in person, but I’m not giving up hope.

  11. Anu

    Hello! I like woodpeckers. Great serie of photos! Thank you.

  12. Anni @ I'd Rather B Birdin'

    Oh my gosh!! I just KNOW I’d be peeing in my britches with that one in MY back yard!

    I’m running a bit late visiting this weekend since I spent about 5 hours in the ER with heart issues. Thanks for sharing your post!

  13. Lavender Dreamer

    You got such fabulous photos. We see them here but it’s hard to get good photos. We always get so excited when we do see them! They are so big and have such a crazy call! Enjoy your week ahead!

  14. Jean

    What great photos. I’ve never been lucky enough to spot one of those so I really enjoyed your photos.

  15. Angie

    My favorite bird by far. I never cease to be amazed at their size. And I am entranced with their laughing type of call. Visiting from Saturday’s Critters.

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