The Ladder Planter Evolves

posted in: Garden Projects, Whimsy | 0

I have used an old wooden step ladder as a planter for several years now.  It gives the garden a vertical aspect.  At first I just used the rungs to display pots, but quickly found out that was very limiting.

The pots had to be screwed onto the rungs.  It looked great from the front but the back left something to be desired.


I tried it this was for 2 years.  I was really pleased with the petunias in the second year, but the back was still lacking.


By 2010 I had come up with an idea to add strips of wood from the run to the back of the ladder.  This greatly increased the display area.  In 2011 the ladder planter got moved to the corner of the trellis garden and it became know as the tea thyme planter.  Most of the plants were planted in old teacups, kettles or tea related items.  At the base of the ladder a clump of thyme was also planted.

in 2012 I decided to turn the ladder so the side was visible because that meant more display space was visible.  For most of 2012 the ladder was here and I grew ruby moon hyacinth vines up one side.  But as gardening season was winding down and the vine was finished I moved the ladder once again to a new location on the deck as a new piece of trellis was added to the spot where it stood for most of the summer.  Right now I think I will display the ladder there next year, but who knows, as I’m always changing my mind about things in the garden.

Have you seen these?

ladder planter on the deckcraf-tea plantersteapot totem – teacup planters

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